Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Eve with loved ones { Family session- Tampa Florida Photographer }

 So for Christmas Eve I had the pleasure of photographing a family who lives far apart.  I could see how happy they were to be in each others company and I couldn't have been happier to take a time out to make memories for a family who lives far apart.
 It is so nice to be able to go see the ones you love for Christmas.  It is sometimes hard especially when you live so far away.  Every time you see them you just want to cherish every moment because you never know when your going to see them again.  I feel like I am here for good in beautiful Tampa Florida.  I do love the weather, the beach, the water.  If only my family would move down here with me :).  So see your family every chance you get.   Talk to them everyday.  They are just a phone call away.  Tell them you love them every chance you get.  Family matters.  Make them priority.
  I hope everyone had wonderful Christmas and holiday season.  Remember that without Christ Christmas wouldn't exist.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Editing in RAW { Photoshop Tutorial } Tampa Photographer

So today I have recorded a video to show you how and why to use the Raw settings on your camera and how to edit in Adobe Raw.   I hope you find this useful.  Enjoy!  Here is the link to the video tutorial.
  Your Tampa Photographer and editor,

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Photoshop Actions and Tutorials {Tampa Portrait and Wedding Photographer}

So this is my one of my first posts on my quest to deliver tutorials for photographers.  I hope that both seasoned photographers and those of you just starting out can find this useful. :)  When I was just starting out I didn't have a pro to turn to.  I spent countless hours on Youtube and Google learning how to do this or that.  So I am here to make your life easier.
  Just beware that my video is terrible right now on how to load curves adjustment to Photoshop.  The mouse is off by a lot.  Not sure why???  Any suggestions on a screen recorder that is good would be greatly appreciated. 
  So to start off my tutorials I am giving away a recent curves adjustment that I have made.  It gives your photos the perfect warmth like warm sunshine through a window in the morning.  :) Here is a link on how to add a curves adjustment to Photoshop.  
  Here is a link to download the curves adjustment action.  This will be installed in your curves adjustment panel.  Remember to lower the opacity to your liking.  Enjoy and please leave a comment on your thoughts.  

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